Wednesday 6 April 2011


CHANGE: The Universal Secret of Growth

It is the easiest thing to talk about, but one of the hardest things to cope with in reality. Everybody wants it and talk about it but we don’t embrace it in reality.
In the history of man, the only constant thing that has abided with man all through history is change. The need for change can not be over emphasized, just as growth can’t be. In our societies, families, homes and individual lives, we want change but rarely embrace the reality. Change and growth are in some sort synonymous, they go hand in hand. You can’t reject change and say you embrace growth. There is no growth without change. In fact, growth is change.

Perhaps, the greatest gift you can give to yourself, the greatest skill you can develop is adaptation to change. That is where true growth lies. You can not afford not to change because that is where growth lies. You can’t afford not to grow because everything/everybody everywhere is growing. The world is changing fast, very fast. The way business is been transacted, say four five years ago, is not the way it is today. Communication is not the same, transportation is being modernized- change. Everything you can think of in all industries is changing fast. I am very sure that some industries will face out very soon because they will not change.

Growth is choice just as change is. We all have our choice to make either to change or not. Growth cannot be forced on you, you make up your mind to change and you make a conscious effort towards it. The truth is, you either face-out and become obsolete or adopt change. You can’t be a better student, business man, husband, father, neighbor, colleague, etc without change. You don’t just wish change, it’s a decision you make and follow up with.

Growth is resistible just as change is. Growth or change is the only constant thing in life, but can be rejected. Have you not wondered why two people entered the world of employment same day and within seven years, they don’t remain on the same level again? When they came in fresh from school, they came with all manner of attitude and no working environment ethics. The organization begins to train them, some will accept and grow very fast while some will reject and it will directly affect their growth. Sometimes, growth is ignorantly denied or delayed.

Growth can be cultivated and can be done via different means. One of the major means is to prepare your mind to pay the price for growth or success that you desire. This will help you and get you ready for all challenges that change may bring. Other things include obedience, weakness, conceiving the mental picture of what you want. Simply embrace change, it will bring about growth and you will never be obsolete.

Flexibility is key to success in life. Somebody said he learnt to abound and to abase. Flexibility is the ablility to cope with new condition. Flexibility is an ability you must develop if you must grow. You can’t be rigid and consistent with old style and be a world class. To be an authority in any field requires flexibility. Knowing how to navigate in storm and in calmness.

Having read all this, we now know that change has abided with mankind all through history and there is nothing we can do against it but for it. The greatest skill anyone can develop is adaptation to change. Change or growth doesn’t just come, you choose to change and you follow up with your decision. The greatest skill anyone can develop is adaptation to change and you follow it. Change (or growth) is resistible and maybe ignorantly denied. Change can be cultivated by anybody, even you, so stay flexible and don’t reject growth when it comes.

                                                                                                   Olayiwola Korede
                                                                                                   June, 2009

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