Thursday 31 March 2011

One Chance!!!

One Chance!!!

Life is ironical. Life is mystery gradually unfolding itself on us. We all woke up to the reality of life. We did not pray, beg or ask for it, yet it place demands on us. What is called life is mystery, an enigma, but we just have to live with its reality.

The reality of life is that it places responsibilities, high demands and expectations on us and our conscience will not permit us to deliberately fail in it. Another amazing thing is that life gave no room for rehearsals neither did it blew whistle for anyone to start, yet we are not expected to fail. That means at every stage, at every point we are expected to give our best. I can remember I went to primary and secondary school without any serious approach to life, but not the university.

The realities and responsibilities of life dawn on us at different ages in life. As for me, it dawned on me at the age of sixteen when my father died. It sent a shocking sensation through and down my entire being. Recovering from it was like the veil covering my eyes being removed. My father has been like a savior, a god to me. I did not believe anything can go wrong or against me with this man alive and around me. Being in the car while he drive was like being in a haven. He was a perfect figure in everything to me, trust was too much. When he died, it was like a spiritual covering over me was lifted, so the need for another woke me up to the realities of life. Placed responsibilities on me. The demands and needs to be a man were clear to me. Then I was sixteen. My case was peculiar to me, everyone had a peculiar and different experiences. But the truth is that we have only one life with only one chance to live it.

According to our constitution, you are an adult from the age of eighteen. Anything below this age you are regarded as a minor. So be not deceived, if you are eighteen years and above. Wake up, be sensitive, you don’t have to lose your father, mother or someone precious to you before you wake up to life. This message is for you. You have only one life and only one chance to live it. Joseph conceived the vision for his life at age seventeen, David was anointed at seventeen, please know what you want to do with your life.

King David prayed a very powerful and important prayer; teach us to number our days, that we may apply our heart unto wisdom. An eighteen year old is not a kid any longer, at least by our constitution, and therefore should think particularly about what he/she want to do with his/her life. I observe that many and I mean many are going to through life without any specific vision or goal for their lives. Student or non-student, undergraduate or graduates, many are living their lives to chance. You should not leave your life to chance, be clear about what you want to do. The period between 18-30years is good and long enough to discover and prepare yourself. In Nigeria, from the age of 18 you are recognized by the law. You can drive, travel out, serve jail term, etc. These are perhaps the most important days of our life. This is the time to dream dreams, conceive ideas and bore visions. This are the days of inspirations and youthfulness. Days of youthful exuberance, days of life and vigor. When you want to explore, test and risk.

I tell you the truth, these days will never come to you again. Ask any adult around you. A wise man said great men made great decision early in life and stood by it the rest of their lives. You have the best of times, opportunities, ideas, insights, strength and everything required to lay a good foundation for your (life) future. As it were, these are the days to lay foundation for your future/destiny. Your future can not be brighter than the foundation you laid for it. The kind of foundation determines what is built. Preparation enhances performance. These are the days for real preparation. It goes beyond just acquiring university education. Its about conceiving or determining what you want to live for. Its about identifying the industry you belong. It’s about learning the intricacies of the industry. Getting a mentor and role model. It’s about setting targets for yourself.

The Jewish tradition allows nobody to launch out until he is 30years. At thirty, you are expected to have launched out, get ready for the outside world. This can be called the phase to of your life. Phase one is childhood till you are thirty years, phase two is thirty one to sixty years while sixty one and above can be regarded as phase three. At phase two, you are expected to manifest and show forth. You are expected to prove the quality of the content you are made up of. Shine and show yourself to the world. Do the swagger. And at the phase three, you teach and impact your experience.

Like I said earlier, great men made good decision early in life and stood by it. Wise decision is made with quality and quantitative knowledge base. When you identify the industry you want to explore, stay focused. Focus is the keyword. Concentrate all your energies, that is how to get result. There is height of distraction all around us. The need for focus needs to be highlighted. Focus your eyes as if its one. Direct your energy, attention, emotion, finance and mind into the course you want to die for. Lack of focus is anti-success. It deprives and robs.

Without taking too much of your time, let me say it again; at the age of 18 (eighteen) you are an adult, take full responsibility over your life, know what you want to do with your life. Before the age of thirty, be clear about it. Gather information for the future, at the age of thirty, without any flick of doubt, launch out. Take out territories. Explore and take adventure. Take risk according to your appetite for risk. Eliminate doubt and fear. Live life to its brim. Have in my mind that you will live every age once, so maximize opportunity at every age. Great men made good decision early in life and stood by it. Destiny forbids that you do something lying, cheating, stealing, fornication, etc what you sow you will reap. Don’t plan thistles in your land. You have only one life and one chance to live it.

                                                                                    Korede Olayiwola

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